Day 12 + n

Post date: Jul 03, 2011 8:9:24 AM

Lots happening including relocation to Tokyo hence the lack of updates. My favourite sake, Tatayama, I have only found in one restaurant in Kyoto. Found an excellent Okinomiyaki restaurant (Kanetetsu) near our hotel in Asakusa. The owner likes to give us tastes of various odd dishes. The meal last night cost just over 40000 Yen for six people! (~$AUD7 each)

Had a very ordinary SOS (Stuff on Sticks) meal the night before. Can't have it all good.

27 April 2010 at 09:52

        • Sal Medwin Badcock but I bet it was accompanied by sake ... so there is one redeeming feature ;-)

          • 27 April 2010 at 10:08 · Like