Day 7

Post date: Jul 03, 2011 7:44:44 AM

Day 7: Soaked up the culture and sake today!!! Visited Nara a city celebrating its 1300th anniversary, a local brewery had made a special 1300th anniversary sake which was ok. They also had an M.C. Esher exhibition at the national gallery there. I know, not Japanese culture but fascinating. Also visited a fantastic little izakaya place which served Japanese tapas style food. (Baby squid pickled in red wine vinegar and its tentacles stuffed inside was excellent as was the thinly slice pork. [details for P. Groom]) Other vegetable stuff was also excellent. The real hit was talking to the people there (Ange talking and translating actually). The place is just around the corner from the hotel and from the outside does not even look like a shop or bar.I got great sake recommendations from the other customers. My ichiban (number one) sake is now tatayama for cold sake and hakushika for warm/hot sake. Fantastic people, very friendly and welcoming!